St. Gabriel’s Hall

254-262 Ville Marie Drive, Marystown, NL A0E 2M0 | View on Map

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Concert hall opened Circa 1915. Venue has main theatre with seating for 300 in rows or 220 with tables and chairs, as well as cafe with capacity for approximately 70 and conference room with capacity for approximately 80.

John Baker
(709) 277-2858
Jeff Pittman
(709) 277-2827

Quick Facts


Types of deals: Rental Fee, Guarantee, Split
Accommodations provided: No

Additional Information (if provided):

Accommodations are subject to negotiation
Social media; electronic billboard in Marystown operated by venue; Channel 6 Ads station on Eastlink operated by venue. Social media; electronic billboard in Marystown operated by venue; Channel 6 Ads station on Eastlink operated by venue. Turn on screen reader support
Front of House: Four Yorkville nx55P Bass Bins: Two Yorkville PS18 speakers (300 watts each) w/ amp (Property of sound technician Wilson Hickman) Monitors: Four Yorkville nx25P speakers plus two Electro-Voice ZLX-12P speakers Main Mixing Console: Yamaha MG32/14FX Lights: 24-light setup (ETC Source Four 750, ETC Source Four Par) with ETC Smartfade console EQ: ART HQ-231 Dual 31-band EQ with FDC ART EQ341 Dual-Channel 15-Band ART 341 Dual 15-Band EQ Snake: Rapco Horizon 24-Channel Other Mixing Consoles: Yamaha 16-Channel; Mackie ProFX12 Wireless Microphones: Shure PGXD4 Digital and Shure PG4 Six Shure SM58 Microphones (other similar microphones also available) Shure Beta 57A Instrument Microphone (Property of sound technician Wilson Hickman) Music Man 212-HD One Thirty Tube Amp (Property of sound technician Jeff Pittman) Piano: 1926 Gerhard Heintzman Grand Piano (Restored in 2012 by Newfound Pianos Inc.)

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